Wiseburn Strong Now and in the Future

The WUSD standards of excellence in education, community cohesion, safety and diversity are widely known and respected.

What is coming next for WUSD? What is the master plan? While we cannot predict the actual future, we plan for risks and opportunities within our already strong Wiseburn culture.

In this time of COVID-19 related challenges and concerns, our Wiseburn community is once again leading with thoughtful and collective strength. With the leadership of community members, our superintendent Dr. Silvers, our Wiseburn educators and staff, and our board, we have rallied to redefine education delivery that keeps our community safe, our educators prepared and our students learning in a coordinated distance learning paradigm.

Together with our students, teachers, district staff and community members, the Wiseburn Board has evolved these 5 Pillars of Excellence as the foundation to deliver lifelong learning and community empowerment in our Wiseburn schools:

  • Safety: Ensure a safe learning environment both physically and emotionally
  • Student-Centered: Respond to students’ academic and social/emotional strengths, needs, choices
  • Future Ready: Empower all students with positive views and self-confidence
  • Community & Collaboration: Model diversity, equity, and inclusion and honor these values
  • Organizational Strength: Implement effective organizational procedures and practices while diligently maintaining a strong financial position

Our district is strong and resilient, and we are prepared to manage change to the benefit of our community. We weathered the great recession in 2008 due to rigorous fiscal management and partnership across our educational and community members. We will persevere and excel during this COVID-19 pandemic and into the future.


Joanne Kaneda
Hollyglen, California